Here you'll find my current Art & Design Projects, the Events I attend or partake in, & the fabulous People I meet along the way. Please visit my Main Site for my Portfolio.


Thursday, April 29, 2010


Designers who donate their time to Architecture for Humanity's projects are just so inspirational. This is such a great example of how design can directly improve people's lives. Pecha Kucha events have raised over $60,000 which, with the help of Architecture for Humanity, will be used to build their first school in Haiti (see: Pecha Kucha for Haiti). Keep kicking ass!!

*I do not claim any ownership of the above video.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Current project that's been keeping us busy busy. Got commissioned to paint several sky-themed murals at the Centennial Museum (El Paso, TX) along with painters Irene O'Leary and David Rey. This is the first of several rooms to be renovated. First pic below shows the project proposal's before/after (courtesy Victor Mireles, project coordinator), and the rest show our progress. First room's completed, so here goes an Article written about it in the EP Times. :x